A parser CLI tool to process Science Olympiad results on Avogadro
I am a full stack developer from Chicago that specializes in backends and cybersecurity. I graduted from the University of Illinois with a Bachelors in Computer Science.
A parser CLI tool to process Science Olympiad results on Avogadro
A photogate timer system written in nostd Rust using the Embassy async framework. Was created for Science Olympiad event supervisors that supervise build/vehicle events
A poker evaluation library written in Rust
A Discord bot written using discord.js that roast users on command
A client-server game created in Java
A WASM-based MIPS simulator written in C++ using the SPIM library that runs in the browser
A Go microservice API supporting the HackIllinois website, iOS, and Android apps
Scioly.org's resident Discord bot written in Discord.py